Friday, April 8, 2011

Gov't shutdown could hit federal workers in wallet

Gov't shutdown could hit federal workers in wallet: WASHINGTON - The last time there was a shutdown of government workers to take a license from the federal government were able to recover your lost wages. Can not be as lucky this time.

Congress must decide whether the 800,000 public sector employees may recover wages if they are forced to stay out of work. When workers have been sidelined in the recent partial interruption in 1995 and 1996, Congress quickly voted to do together.

But it was during flush economic conditions, and before tea conservative GOP balanced influence lawmakers who seek less government and greater reductions.

"It was a very different time and economy, so very different from the Congress," said Colleen Kelley, president of the National Union of Employees of the Treasury. "I think there is such hostility voiced by many members of Congress today against the federal government and federal agencies."

This view was shared by Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., Who predicted that it was "highly unlikely" for government employees to replace the Congress at this time.

"There will be disruptions in our economy throughout the line," said Moran, whose district includes suburbs of Washington, thousands of government employees.

At least one House Republicans dismissed those concerns. Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla. He said he is not interested in punishment and vote for federal employees to pay for lost wages.

"In my opinion, the federal government workers, their children and families who do not (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid and Barack Obama think that the closure of a good policy," said Ross, who considers himself like a tea party Republican.

Spokesperson for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, did not respond to requests for comment.

different effects on arrest, depending on where the government is working, have drawn criticism. Under the law, Obama and the legislature will continue to draw salaries, even if the government shuts down.

Sen. Joe Manchin, DW.Va. said the legislature should not be paid if the impasse between the Congress and the arrest of Obama forces. He promised to donate salary to charity or return it to the SU Treasury. And Senator Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, that he did not accept his salary off the Federal Government.

According to the Federal Office for professional management, almost all public employees be placed on the permit decision, except for some workers who provide emergency services or for other work considered essential. Employees who are working under an exception could obtain compensation for hours worked after Congress passed - and signed by the president - the new legislation to fund the government.

But Congress should take a separate decision on whether workers may not need to pay back. When the arrests in 1995 and 1996 ended, Congress passed the pay back so quickly that federal employees never missed a paycheck.

Closing in November 1995, lasted six days and about 800,000 employees placed on leave public. The next partial closure lasted three weeks, from mid-December 1995 and early January 1996, and set off some 240,000 workers.

Thousands of employees of state government have been placed on leave without pay during the last year to relieve the state budget problems. In California, for example, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered state employees to take two days off without pay each month in 2009 and later extended leaves of three days per month.

Why not government employees to take a shot like that? Kelley, chairman of the Trade Union Confederation of Workers' says federal employees are simply spectators caught in the middle of a political dispute, not be able to calculate a plan to save money.

"This is not a budget that tries to cut costs on vacation," she said. "This is a situation where the parties can not agree on a budget. Rather than stepping up and making their work, they just choose to do something and stop the fall of the government. "

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